Pack Calendar

Pack Hike

Pawlings River Trail Wetherill Barn, Pawlings Road, Phoenixville, PA, United States

Join us on May 4 (and may the forth be with you) for a Pack hike at 2 pm at the Pawlings River Trail. We'll cover about 2.6 miles. Parking: Park by Wetherill Barn, Pawlings Road, Phoenixville, PA 19460. Hike leader: Justin Weddinton (443-857-0732). *Rain date: 5/11

Wolf Den Meeting

TBD PA, United States

Pedal with the Pack. Location TBD.

Wolf Den Meeting

TBD PA, United States

Topic, time and location TBD.

Webelos Den Meeting

Jarrettown United Methodist Church 1460 N Limekiln Pike, Dresher, PA, United States

Elective: TBD

Event Series Pack Committee Meeting

Pack Committee Meeting

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Maple Glen 919 Tennis Avenue, Maple Glen, PA

All are welcome to join our monthly Pack Committee meeting. This is where we discuss and plan all the great Pack events, like camping, the Pinewood Derby, Rain Gutter Regatta and more. Meetings start at 7 pm and are held at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church. 919 Tennis Ave, Maple Glen, PA 19002

Rain Gutter Regatta and Advancement Ceremony

Jarrettown United Methodist Church 1460 N Limekiln Pike, Dresher, PA, United States

If you thought your Scout was full of hot air, now's the time to prove it! Scouts will construct small boats out of recycled materials and compete in categories such as fastest, most creative, most colorful and more. This event also serves as our Advancement Ceremony, recognizing Scouts who are moving up in rank at […]

Pack Committee Planning Meeting

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Maple Glen 919 Tennis Avenue, Maple Glen, PA

We will use this meeting to begin planning for the coming Scout year.